Smart Steel and Flesh: Real-time narrative/news clip/post evaluation of the Otso/Donovia conflict in 2030/03 | Small War Magazine

2021-12-14 15:31:37 By : Ms. Joy Lu

Smart Steel and Flesh: Real-time narrative/news clip/post evaluation of the Otso/Donovia conflict in 2030/03

The Mad Scientist team held the 2019 Science Fiction Writing Contest to gather insights on the future battle against close competitors in 2030. We received 77 submissions from inside and outside the Ministry of Defense. This story is one of our semifinals, looking at war and its characteristic technology from a futuristic perspective.

19:00 GMTT 2030/03/10-Otso Transit Zone and Donovan Airspace

Figure 1-ODF-A (Ordinary) Epaulette

Otso meteorologists issued a warning of heavy coastal fog, and inland fog is likely to appear in low-lying areas. This is the condition that Otsovian Defence Force – Alternative (ODF-A) has been hoping for. ODF-A is composed of veterans, volunteers, and young people. This force includes active and reserve forces, and its activities are under the command of the Otsovian Defence Force (ODF) command. Although not intended for direct combat, they are a low-cost dexterous hand that can parallel the efforts of conventional troops. ODF-A is derived from Switzerland's self-defense model and self-help (DIY) community, combining the experience of "gray beard" and the cutting-edge technology of young people. They are the product of shrinking defense budgets and aggressive neighbors. They are the resources of Otso’s NATO allies and have not yet been incorporated into combat plans, agreements, or ideas.

It is Sunday night, but all ODF-A members are immediately recalled. Most of the recalls are virtual, and the ODF-A team connects their tablets, phones, and desktops to fiber-based VPNs in their neighborhoods and communities, and then links to the ODF Central Command. Some employees report to railway stations, airports, and truck warehouses to activate ODF-A resources. These resources are disguised as standard HL-UAV vehicles and other equipment.

For six months, ODF-A has been flying combat artificial intelligence (AI) to direct the deployment of micro drones to detect the deployment of Donovian forces at the Ozo border and deeper into Donovia. From the continuous flight, they obtained the knowledge of DDF deployment with an amazing granularity. Their data is provided to the artificial intelligence through a smartphone-based post-event reporting application, which contains images, geospatial references, and voice-to-text comments. Like other AIs in ODF, Combat AI is a "Centaur"-an artificial intelligence grid of processors, sensors, and human analysts that inform/shape decisions. The hardware is a self-healing mesh network, loosely grouped into overlapping areas of operations, logistics, and intelligence, and artificial intelligence is the core of ODF's strategy and tactics.

Micro drones, "birds" or "Kropys" with deep penetrating power are raised to a height of several kilometers, and then released to glide deep in the airspace of Donovia. They are designed to fly into and inhabit surveillance locations on trees, water towers, or buildings, and form a custom/repair grid with other AI surveillance assets.

Figure 2-Kropy "Little Bird"

Kropys is powered by solar cells and observes and records anything triggered by motion, electromagnetic radiation (EM) or heat in visible/infrared light. Kropys uses directional encrypted infrared lasers and/or radios to transmit to the 1,500-meter "towers" that tether the drones, and these "towers" briefly "bloom" on the Otso border.

Figure 3-DDF Epaulette

The process of launching Kropys from the drone "tower" and using the tethered drone "tower" to collect Kropys signals from the habitat has evolved into a cat-and-mouse game with the Donovan Defense Forces (DDF). DDF operates multiple border tracking drones every day and occasionally invades Osovia’s airspace. Border tracking/intrusion flights broadcast AM/FM propaganda, disrupting civilian cellular and GPS services. The broadcast message is closely related to DDF social media posts, blaming the Otsovian censorship system for the loss of mobile phones and GPS services. Some social media posts include cartoon embedded QR codes with destructive malware, sabotage instructions, and/or pornographic content featuring Otsovian leadership.

With the increase in aggressiveness, after the DDF drone invaded and flew, it made a precise strike at the minute position of the tethered drone "tower". The attack did not leave any explosive residues, and the ODF intelligence department has notified ODF-A that the attack may be satellite-based. The delay of the invasion flight and the lack of remnants indicate that this is a low-orbit satellite-launched kinetic energy weapon. The ODF intel briefing stated that there is no real defense other than the "shooting" protocol. ODF-A kept these recommendations in mind and set a new record in launching and recovering tethered drones.

When it absolutely must be destroyed overnight

With the intelligence collected by the "little bird" and the cover of the fog, ODF-A is ready to speed up the rhythm of its own cross-border activities. A lightly modified civilian hybrid gas-electric heavy-duty transport UAV (HL-UAV) climbs to altitude along known transport routes. These birds are painted similar to the uniform of a commercial delivery service, and conveniently, it is dark brown. The ODF-A version includes nano-coating to eliminate or reduce reflected radar energy. The power from the gas turbine engine drives the generator of the VTOL electric engine. Above the terrain avoidance altitude, the VTOL engine feathers the propeller and the gas power unit drives the propeller struts to convert the UAV to conventional horizontal flight.

In this mission, HL-UAV released a small UAV carrying HL-UAV's IFF beacon at an altitude of 8,000m. As small drones carrying IFF continue their normal routes, HL-UAV began a five-part "delivery" consisting of a 1,000 kg payload platform. Long wings that allow low-noise features in civil airspace will allow silent, gliding, low-noise/infrared flights deep in Donovan airspace. The HL-UAV glided on an energy-saving serpentine path and began to distribute "Slimes Ball," "Bastard Nuggets," and "Bad Battered Vandals" along the Donovia road and rail lines.

These regulations are self-guided single axis aircraft controlled by the thumbnail-sized COTS 256-bit quad-core 61st generation Arduino platform. The rotating maple leaf-shaped devices bend their single wings through 3D printed piezoelectric actuators to guide themselves to the designated target. When the single-axis aircraft rotates normally, the internal flywheel stores kinetic energy, and the device will cut off the wings and lock the flywheel on the hull when landing. This process propels a tennis-ball-sized device 20 to 30 meters along the ground.

Figure 4-Single-axis aircraft transport device ("Bastard-Nuggets", "Slime-Balls" and "Bad-Busters".)

In the case of a slime ball, a black-green-grey foam slime is allocated from the ball. Embedded in Slime are conductive nanofibers, solar charging/storage filaments and "Brilliant-Beads". Powered by solar filaments and controlled by beads, conductive nanofibers are used both as sensors and antennas. Slime can detect seismic activity and radio frequency, and retransmit the echo of radio signals or data through bright beads. Slime can communicate with the Kropys AI grid for signal relay. It is sticky and looks organic, but it can be used as a relay platform for sensors, jammers, and enemy low-power signals. It also attaches to tires, treads and boots.

"Bastard-Nuggets" also cut its wings when landing, and ran wildly along roads and railways, spreading infrared storage dust, reflective radar grit and conductive carbon fiber. Infrared dust collects photon energy, and then re-radiates the energy into IR within hours and days. Carbon fiber has a positive/negative bias and can form electrical circuits on electrical equipment. Combined, these compounds use infrared light to glow in the dark and radar reflective coatings to coat road/rail/air traffic and cause nightmares for various circuits.

After reducing part of the payload, HL-UAV restarted its gas engine and began a series of very low flights along railway and highway lines, releasing more "Bad-Busters." These single-axis aircraft look for bridges, railway junctions, power transformers, cellular towers and supports, and attach themselves to themselves like bats. They are disguised as dirty rags or plastic garbage, hung on the structure and added to the "Kropys" AI grid.

HL-UAV continues its low-level mission in the fog, and then heads to the most dangerous part of its mission. Flying along roads close to DDF's logistics, assembly points, and airport, more slime balls and bastard gold nuggets are scattered, and then fly over the centerline of the main runway. HL-UAV releases mixed infrared dust, radar-reflection Gravel, carbon fiber and corrosive particles. Pea-sized pellets are coated with rubber paint to match the track and protect from rain. They contain a mixture of mercury and potassium hydroxide. When the particles were crushed by the landing aircraft tires, the mixture was thrown into the exposed aluminum wheel wells of the aircraft. This reaction can cause instantaneous, catalytic, and destructive corrosion of any unprotected aluminum.

The Hl-UAV performing this task is named "Mehera" and is monitored/managed by a 17-year-old female art student and a 79-year-old veteran sitting in a wheelchair and chewing on a cigar. They receive micro-updates from the "Kropys" grid architecture. At the same time, the ODF combat AI tracks their updates and maps the placement of assets. "Mehera" was one of 20 planes launched into the fog and one of 19 planes that went home safely.

The onboard AI of the 20th bird detected that the main power system was about to fail and was running more than 400 possible mission scenarios, and then chose the suicide option of crashing into the Donovia substation. It is the highest value target in the glide range calculated based on remaining fuel/payload, altitude and prevailing wind. Its semi-intelligent artificial intelligence transmission, "Go to death now." After receiving the report of the loss, the 64-year-old housewife who managed the bird and her two teenage granddaughters began planning to build their next HL-UAV. [i] It will be named "Phoenix". After noticing the loss, the ODF combat AI observes the DDF's reaction through slimes and "Kropys". This data is used to inform and modify scenarios and predictions.

The seismic activity detected by the slime sensor is clearly far away from any known DDF facility or marshalling center, but not in the area covered by the Kropys bird surveillance asset. Combat AI recommends that someone team up for reconnaissance. It is a measure of the anomalous nature of seismic activity, that is, artificial intelligence will risk human reconnaissance/surveillance. A 16-man NATO/ODF mixed force is ready to enter the territory of Donovia. The team wears augmented reality (AR) displays, surface movement, reactive liquid armor, and carries conventional and electromagnetic needle weapons.

The AR display can display remote and local sensor data, weapon aiming views, and data from other team members, including biological status. By peeling and pasting the five-button controls on the throat microphone, gloved fingers, and chest panel, and/or through eye tracking control, the display’s AI can instantly adapt to weapon use, sensor data, and/or posture wearer. Simple finger tracking gestures echoed on the team's AR display. They are usually rough and/or interesting, but most of them reflect minimalist small team instructions. They denied that the AR display of non-Otso NATO soldiers required automatic voice translation.

On the body armor, multiple coiled piezoelectric foil/fiber petal layers automatically match the background color and destroy the visual and infrared characteristics of the solder. If the liquid armor receives an impact above the energy threshold, it will harden and distribute the kinetic energy over a larger area of ​​the armor. For welders, the motto is "Bruise is better than bleeding." Because they did not carry heavy backpacks, they have given up using powered exoskeletons.

Although they carry conventional firepower, needle guns are the weapon of choice for insertion/destruction tasks. Launched by a micro-magnetic track, the magnetic plastic needle linearly stretches and detonates its dual explosive core upon impact. Each almost silent needle weapon carries 400 rounds and can be fired manually or using Artificial Intelligence Enhanced Aiming (AIET). In AIET mode, the weapon can sweep across an area and automatically fire needle bullets to each identified target. This allows long-range shooting from concealed places, in operation, and/or from unstable platforms. The binary explosive in each needle can tear a fist-sized hole in the flesh and/or penetrate most light armor. The small size and low-end kinetic energy characteristics defeat the reactive vehicle armor and reactive liquid body armor.

The NATO/Otso team suspended four ODF HL-UAVs horizontally below the height of the treetops, and the drone's airborne AI maneuvered between the trees. Forward-looking passive multi-spectral sensors ensure safe progress. Within one kilometer of the location accurately positioned by the slime sensor, the team fell and the drone landed on the ground. In ground mode, the vertical profile of ODF HL-UAV is less than one meter. Like the body armor of troops, they have a surface movement camouflage. According to needs, HL-UAV can launch free-flight or tethered micro UAVs respectively for monitoring and/or communication links. For close support and flight defense, HL-UAV also carries a long-range positioning belt-type 37mm grenade launcher to launch anti-personnel or anti-armor shells on the ground, and/or signal shells and chaffs in flight.

Judging from their location, the team used one of the micro drones to achieve surveillance and was surprised. The seismic slime sensor was triggered on a large number of trucks and buses in the Bohican refugee camp. The refugee camp is one of several Posikan minority shelters in Donovia. It is estimated that the population of refugee camps exceeds 80,000, which is only 10% of the global refugee population displaced by robots/automation. As far as the team could determine, the camp was evacuated by buses and trucks. They released several "Kropys" to perch in the surveillance position, and then hung under the HL-UAV, and they dived into the water without being detected. Regardless of the reason for relocating the camp, it does not seem to pose a direct threat to Otso's safety. They were so wrong.

When the Otso/NATO group of soldiers crossed the border and returned to Otso’s airspace, they saw the lights in the entire town dimmed. DDF combined network, Internet of Things, and physical attacks shut down multiple power plants in Otso and the United States. In addition, the attack also hit most banks and welfare/EBT (electronic balance transfer/food stamp) support infrastructure. Seven EBT facilities in the United States and three similar sites in Otso were destroyed by low-orbit satellite launching kinetic energy devices. The damage is huge and it is estimated that it will take weeks or months to recover. Within hours of the strike, EBT food suppliers or stores in the United States and similar stores in Otso became a flashpoint of protest and violence.

A substantially complete cellular system is being used against the Otso government and the United States. Synchronized social media posts blame multiple parties and/or countries. At the same time, the United States and Otso Defense Force (ODF) facilities issued false promises of food and medicine, causing roads and city streets to be blocked, and causing riots in some places. At first, logistics was slow to creepy.

11:00 GMTT 2030/03/14-Otso Defense ODF Logistics Command

As the AI ​​of the ODF Logistics Command worked to compensate for reports of riots and blocked routes, sensor data and text reports began to pour in from the Otso/Donovia border. A large number of Bosica refugees are crossing from Donovia to Otso. In manned locations, they overwhelmed border control resources, while in fenced but unmanned locations, they were using heavy wire cutters and other tools to cut the fence. In some places, ODF forces opened fire on refugees. Social media is flooded with pictures of dead Bohican women and children.

Initial reports stated that the Donovian Defence Forces (DDF) had warned the Bohicans that they were no longer safe in Donovia, but the Otso provided them with shelters and reception centers. The map provided by DDF shows the promised shelters, and it is foreseeable that the shelters will be gathered in the ODF logistics/marshalling center. There are further reports that refugees refer to and/or display videos of Prime Minister Otso and the President of the United States on their mobile phones assuring the Bohicans that they are safe in Otso, and will provide transportation to the camp. The quality is very good and unbelievable.

17:00 GMTT 2030/03/14-along the Otso/Donovia border

At the request of the Otso government, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) were mobilized to solve the large-scale refugee problem, but their efforts were divided into the refugee problem and the food and drug crisis caused by the early morning cyber/physical attack. Staff at the NGO camp reported that before evacuating the camp, the refugees were fed, transported in DDF vehicles to the Ozo/Donovia border, and vaccinated. NGO staff expressed gratitude for the humanitarian efforts of the Donovan Defence Force, even as tensions on the border continued to escalate. Social media is flooded with humanitarian efforts by DDF.

6:00 GMTT 2030/03/15 – Temporary camp for NGOs in Otso

CNC/MSCMS News: Bohican refugees face difficulties when entering Otso. The Bohican refugee camp is reporting mumps, which is believed to be a highly toxic measles, and possibly another disease that causes high fever and severe cough symptoms. The Otso National Health Service and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have pledged to provide blood samples, but due to lack of electricity, excess refugees and riots, there are problems with the delivery of the samples. A medical delivery drone has been requested, but other tasks are reportedly being prioritized.

March 15, 2030-across most of Otto and parts of the United States

According to reports, minor acts of sabotage occurred in most areas of Otso and the United States. Attacks included gas stations, railway stations, shipyards and road signals. They also target specific ethnic facilities and/or symbolic locations, including schools, places of worship, national monuments, and cemeteries. At the same time, social media is flooded with accusations that Bohicans are causing damage and carrying diseases. One of the arrested saboteurs admitted to entering Otso with the Bohican refugees. After interrogating him for a few hours, his interviewer fell ill from the unidentified cough he had seen in the refugee camp. During their treatment, the disease was finally determined to be a variant of Yersinia pestis (also known as plague). The NGO managing the camp was notified that some medical personnel had left the camp. The food riots triggered martial law in Otso and parts of the United States, and a social media-based plague panic led to the closure of Atlanta Airport. Anonymous posts by CDC staff have been criticized.

March 15, 2030-Orzo Defence Force (ODF) Logistics Command

After running more than 60,000 troop-to- troop scenarios and forecasts in a few minutes, the AI ​​ODF Logistics Command has begun to transport supplies and tanks along the clearing site below the high-voltage line to the Ozo/Donovia border, next to it Pipe right-way and secondary routing. It also designated alternative assembly/marshalling points and fuel stacks based on recalculated logistics requirements. By 18:00, more than 89% of the estimated possible positioning/capabilities under normal conditions have been achieved.

As a secondary advantage, the ability of DDF manned aircraft or drones to attack new locations is limited by power lines and tree cover on secondary routes. Under the guidance of AI Centaur, the logistics algorithm and logic set were adjusted to take advantage of the advantages, and the ODF fully automated/autonomous "Cherepkhas" (turtles) and "Zhabas" (toads) began to move to the designated locations through the new route.

Turtles are autonomous vehicles with all-terrain and amphibious capabilities. The on-board AI in Turtle uses articulated arms to load and load goods as pre-packed units and/or pallets, and can automatically reload and refuel vehicles. The Toad is a 105 howitzer with autonomous self-loading, low-key direct firing and/or indirect firing. Like many ODF weapon systems, they are hybrid diesel-electric, covered with deformed foil camouflage, and equipped with one or more tethered surveillance/targeting/communication micro drones. Turtles and Toads share a COTS-based chassis/transmission system. Although there is no need for staff or personnel, and the ability to use artificial intelligence-driven protocols to engage enemy forces, turtles and toads carry the campsite "Khatynas" (huts) as they move to the border. The cabin provides and camping space for up to 20 soldiers sitting in "sling" seats. In this deployment, the soldiers will be infantry supporting tortoises and toads.

Figure 6-Tortoise and toad with hut

March 16, 2030-Temporary NGO camp in Otso

CNC/MSCMS News: The infection rate of mumps, measles, and plague in the camp has reached epidemic levels, and the old, weak, sick, and disabled have begun to die. The Otso government called for blocking social media reports from the camp, but these requests were ignored.

CNC/MSCMS News: The Justice Liberation Force of Donovia condemned Otso's "death camp" and asked the DDF to mediate on behalf of the dying Bohican refugees. At the same time, on social media, a video of Otso's atrocities in the Bohican refugee camp was broadcast, and the United Nations was called on to join the ranks of saving the Bohicans.

Figure 7-Artist's rendering of the low orbit decree conveyor

01:00 GMT 2030/03/17 – Across most of Otso

Ultra-high altitude or low orbit, satellite-based strikes attacked power stations, water plants and sewage treatment plants. At the same time, the preset manned and autonomous armored vehicle column crossed the Otso/Donovia border into Otso, and the flight of rotor and fixed-wing aircraft with autonomous flanking and decoy aircraft began to carry out bombing and ground attacks in Otso. By ignoring warnings derived from artificial intelligence, most of the manned fixed-wing Otso aircraft fleet and many manned rotary-wing aircraft were destroyed. The ODF AI Center has also been attacked many times, but because the system uses mesh communication and massively parallel databases and computing engines, the performance loss is small. The situation may be worse, the DDF air strikes were less than 40% of the expected. A large number of their aircraft were lost due to landing gear corrosion-related failures, which subsequently caused severe runway damage. The DDF leadership questioned the maintenance level of the aircraft.

The Otso leadership declared war on Donovia. With the declaration of war, Article 5 of NATO caused controversy in the United States and Europe, and ODF responded to Donov's aggression. Throughout Donovia, under railway trestle bridges and bridges, and on railway turnouts, "Bad-Busters" began to spray combustible and corrosive sprays. Ignite the spray will accelerate corrosion, on the wooden track supports, the fire will quickly engulf the structure. After the derailment was triggered by the switch of the troops and supply trains, the National Defense Forces logistics unit was forced to carry out unmanned aerial vehicle reconnaissance flights along the train route in advance to ensure safe passage. All trains are late, and most trains have diverted hundreds of kilometers.

As the DDF armored forces advance, their radios become increasingly unreliable, and many of their signals echo in more and more feedback loops. Technicians scrambled to isolate the signal source, but the signal analysis was lost in the radio echo. In addition, in some areas, the radio system seems to be completely ineffective, and this problem has become persistent on the most frequently traveled routes. The self-aligned carbon fiber circuit is tightly attached to the antenna and accessories of the DDF device, and the slime receives and transmits their signals.

06:00 GMT 2030/03/17-Multiple blocking positions facing DDF invasion

Under the guidance of the ODF logistics AI, turtles and toads occupy positions, and their flanks and methods are covered by soldiers riding on them into battle. At the close assembly point behind them, both ODF and ODF-A HL-UAV gathered near the front line. The drone is equipped with anti-armor and anti-personnel regulations guided by smart Arduino.

Under the order of the ODF combat AI grid, they began to climb to the maximum height, but the first to launch did not carry ammunition. When they climb, they will drop a ball of aluminum foil, forming a barrier that DDF radar cannot penetrate. Behind the barrier, the remaining drones climbed to a safe height from air defense attacks. The soldiers watched the first drones climb, the fading light flickering from the chaff. It is beautiful and a little scary.

Detected by slimes in the territory of Donovan and broadcast by Kropys bird, the ODF combat AI grid has made a high degree of prediction of the number and route of DDF armor and mechanized infantry, and HL-UAV is using this intelligence. 250 aircraft Each of the HL-UAVs carries 360 glide ammunition. The hang glider uses a conventional stock NATO 60mm mortar warhead, is equipped with a foil hang glider and a miniature Arduino guidance/fuse system, and is notified, configured and aimed by the combat AI grid. They are called "swallows" because of their dive and glide descent.

Figure 8-Gliding ammunition released from tethered (Swallow)

Swallows are silently released from an altitude of 4,000 meters, with a glide ratio of 18:1, a range of more than 72 kilometers, and no infrared signal. The gliding ammunition fired a total of 90,000 rounds, and they swooped through the chaff cloud shielded by the radar. Each round was aimed at a specific hunting area. The anti-personnel gliders merge into the air burst and the key is the group of soldiers. Anti-armor projectiles can identify the top-down or side profile of DDF vehicles, and first identify targets in the tank hierarchy, followed by armored personnel carriers, third by artillery, and fourth by trucks. Most vehicles and soldiers are covered with dust from infrared emission and radar reflection, which helps to improve aiming accuracy.

Due to its small size and approaching from almost directly above the head, it is difficult for DDF radars to detect bullets or deploy countermeasures. The accuracy of gliding ammunition and artificial intelligence is such that some bullets will enter the open hatch of the tank commander on the tank turret. Others penetrate the top hood to make the vehicle immobile, and for armored personnel carriers and trucks, mortar shells are more destructive. The close-range fusion air-blast bomb detonates infantry groups, artillery positions, and other assets without warning, and has great lethality. Of the estimated 2,700 DDF vehicles that entered the territory of Otso, 1,621 (60%) were destroyed or lost combat effectiveness in the first wave of gliding delivery decree. Among the infantry, artillery, and support forces of the Wehrmacht, some soldiers have a casualty rate of more than 80%, and most soldiers died before they heard the sound of a bomb explosion.

When the HL-UAV descends behind the floating chaff cloud, the ODF Toads tethered surveillance/targeting UAV will immediately assess the effectiveness of the strike. At an altitude of 1,000 meters, their visibility is 112 kilometers, and the smoke from a burning DDF vehicle helps in the evaluation. Data is transferred from the drone to the Toad and ODF battle AI grid via a tether. Within a few seconds, the Toad and its flanking support infantry will obtain target information.

06:15 GMT 2030/03/17-Multiple blocking positions in the face of DDF invasion

Within a few milliseconds, Toad started firing 105mm bullets. These bullets are a mixture of high-explosive and air-blast anti-personnel bullets aimed at the remaining vehicle assets. The goal is to empty Toad’s 10 drum cartridges and move toads and turtles to the reload point to prevent anti-battery fire. Similarly, when the toad moves to the reloading position, the tethered drone provides targets and assessments. After four cycles of shooting-skateboarding-reloading, the combat AI judged that Toad had exhausted all the meaningful targets in the nearby area of ​​DDF invasion.

When the loss report arrived at the DDF command, they tried to respond with air strikes and supported the attack by advancing reserve armor and infantry units, but there were still problems with the reliability of the aircraft and the availability of the runway, and the railway lines were also affected. DDF's combat AI does not recommend road transportation, but DDF Command will cover it, hoping that the dark cover will help hide the road march. Under the guidance of historical DDF operations, this is the scenario predicted by ODF battle AI 87% of the time.

03:00 GMT 2030/03/18-Multiple blocking locations facing DDF invasion

With the support of the Toad armored forces, the ODF infantry units advanced towards the destroyed and stalled DDF positions. Under the guidance of the tethered drone flying over the toad, the 105 mm 5,000 syringe bullet shredded the DDF position. The calculated impact density of the exploded binary needle projectile exceeds one needle per 0.25 square meter. Almost all infantry casualties, Otso troops passed through the Wehrmacht positions with little opposition. Based on reports from Slime and Kropis Birds, consumption laws and possible scenarios calculated, the ODF combat artificial intelligence orders infantry and toads/turtles to occupy defenses on a line close to the Ozo/Donovia border Location. The ODF leadership debated whether Centaur AI thought the Donov nuclear strike was too reasonable.

While they were arguing about the order to take a defensive position, the ODF combat artificial intelligence ordered a large-scale HL-UAV strike against the approaching DDF assets and aerial facilities. They flew at treetop heights, each bird releasing 1,000 kilograms of dumb cluster munitions, destroying most of the approaching assets, fixed-wing and rotary-wing DFF aircraft, and rendering roads and runways unusable. Two HL-UAVs ("Tito" and "Hot Momma") were destroyed in a low-altitude attack, but the DDF lost any combat effectiveness across the Otso/Donovia border.

03:00 GMT 2030/03/18 – Otso/Donovian Theatre of Combat

CNC/MSCMS News: The United Nations has called for a temporary cessation of the fighting, and the two sides agreed that the fighting will stop at 05:00 GMT. Most NATO countries have hardly been affected, but Otso and the United States are still working to restore food and other services. In the Bohican refugee camp, nearly 82% of the people who died of plague and other diseases were reported. The camp is quarantined, and NGOs continue to try to provide support.

US and NATO "quick response" infantry, armor, and support resources began to land at major airfields. The NATO commander questioned the validity of the ODF-A force and the validity of the slime and Kropys data. In response, the Otso Command organized a visit to several battle sites. Witnessing the massacre, NATO commander General William Paden said simply: “World War I was a war of flesh and steel. This has always been a smart war of steel and flesh. God help us.”

UN report on the Otso/Donovia crisis-DDF reported more than 32,420 KIA and another 18,214 people were injured. ODF reported 470 KIA and 265 people were injured, but there were more than 2,291 civilian casualties. The worst casualties were in the Bohican refugee camp set up by non-governmental organizations, with more than 78,000 deaths. In the United States, the low-orbit satellite regulations caused more than 170 billion U.S. dollars in damage, and an estimated 37 billion U.S. dollars in losses came from loss of income and riots. More than 149 people died as a result of the regulations.

[i] Like most elements of ODF-A, HL-UAV is manufactured by ODF-A members using government-supplied kits and equipped with government-supplied ammunition and sensors.

Joel Aud is engaged in cyber/physical security, combined threats, and risk assessment/mitigation. He has advanced degrees in technical ethics and cyber security, as well as international certifications in cyber security and counter-terrorism. In the United States, Europe, Asia and the Middle East, his pragmatic design has won national and international awards for his outstanding performance in technological innovation, effective results produced on time/on budget, and frightened bureaucrats. He lives near Austin and is a stubborn nerd, chili chef, tree planter, and new thought addict.

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